Friday, May 4, 2012


I hv elbowed my way to success in the teeth of a vicious self centered family. The tonic tht braced me for a life tht i live today was my embracing of Christianity. I do not view Christianity as an advantage bt as a duty which i hv to perform on a daily basis. It is this conception which mould me into a disciplined being.

Living a life based on Christian principles is not a condition in which i was born bt a streneous and exating enterprise which i chose by myself and which im going to persue with a sense of responsibilty... The past 28 years have been a long stride, at times dreary, at times incredible ...a blend of triumphant and failed combats...

During the course of the journey i learnt to comprehend how it feels to be hurt, to feel hurt in its most violent and wrenching forms...i met with adversity's blast and got bowed down by its i refused to bulge...after a series of close calls with death i found my solace in Philippians 4:13, " I can do all things through Christ who strengtherns me." I hv found peace and hope ispite of life's missing i celebrate my 28th birthday i see the unfolding of a new life, like a blossom with petals curled tightly concealing the beauty within...