Except where otherwise specifically indicated, the opinions expressed on this blog are my own, are sometimes highly speculative in nature and subject to differing interpretations and do not necessarily reflect the views or opinions of organizations that i work for or any other organizations that i am associated with or individuals that i know...
Friday, October 16, 2015
Cry my beloved Highlanders!
As a member and supporter of Highlanders FC there are a number of issues
that the club has to address. I'm worried about the so called Junior
policy which the club is trying to implement in the middle of the season
when all that is needed is experienced players to help the team finish
at least in top four. While the team is clamouring about Junior policy
they then let go of Ozias Emmanuel Onazi Zibande an experienced young striker. The other thing that bogles the mind is the reckless
speech by the club's head coach who is on a relentless campaign of
naming and shaming players who are costing the team. He started his
blame game directed at the goalkeeping department accusing Ariel Sibanda
of conceding soft goals and Njabulo Ncube of making goal keeping
blunders against Dynamos last Sunday, now the attack is directed at
Obadiah Tarumbwa who is being accused of failing to score. Mr. Bongani
Mafu should understand that all that the players need at this crucial
point is motivation. Obadiah alongside other players have been giving
all their effort its just unfortunate that results haven't been coming
our way most probably because of the tactics or should I say
shortcomings of the technical department alongside the clueless
executive. It's crystal clear that the team doesn't have dependable and
experienced defenders but the executive and technical department over
looks that. That was the same problem we had last season but no one is
keen to rectify it. Bongani Mafu failed to meet his target in week 10,
how he hàs survived up to this day only the executive and his praise
singers and bootlickers like Ezra Sibanda knows better. It seems that
there are some people out there who are compromising the Highlanders
brand and soiling the pride of Isizwe sikaMthwakazi. That the Peter Dube
led executive has failed is as clear as a pikestaff. Of this world was
mine to give I would give it all to fire all these incompetent people
and help restore the the pride of the people! Yithi Abantu!
Africa's worst dictator!
I watched a documentary of the rule of one of Africa's worst dictators,
Idi Amin. Aan who thought he was invincible but his end came like a cock
coming home to the roost. Yes! The day Idi Amin met his fate was on the
11th April 1979, this is the day when he was deposed as president of
Uganda after his attempt to annex part of Tanzania backfired. Amin
undermined the power of the Tanzanian Defence Forces much to his peril.
The former stooge of Imperial Britain who , in 1971 had seized power
from socialist Prime Minister Milton Obote , was forced to flee for his
life by helicopter. And so at last ended the eight- year reign of one of
the most brutal dictators of the twentieth century. This puffed - up
beefy despot who came to be known as the “ Butcher of Africa ” was
responsible for the deaths of up to half - a-million people .
Like Joseph Stalin , he cynically and callously eliminated all real and imagined opponents – including the former chief justice , the Anglican archbishop , the governor of the Central Bank , the vice chancellor of Makerere University and other prominent members of Uganda's intelligentsia, as well several of his own cabinet ministers.
Like Adolf Hitler, he engaged in widespread ethnic cleansing – systematically murdering rival tribes and ordering the expulsion of some 80, 000 Ugandan Asians . Add to that gruesome mix an army of 15, 000 henchmen trained and ordered to rape and pillage in the name of “ peace keeping”, a policy of live televised executions to instill fear into the populace , a sledge hammer to the head for political prisoners and even the alleged murder of his ex - wife . So sadistic was Amin that for years he kept a photographic collection of his mutilated victims, and was said to preserve the lifeless heads of some of his most powerful adversaries in the refrigerator at the presidential palace. So staggering was Amin's death toll that bodies were dumped en masse into the crocodile - infested Nile because graves couldn't be dug fast enough. As the self - proclaimed “ President of Uganda for Life”, “Lord of All Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular” and, famously , “ King of Scotland”, Idi Amin was initially embraced by Britain , America and Israel. But even when his atrocities against humanity could no longer be ignored , the international community failed to intervene. Instead, during his time in power , Amin was light - heartedly portrayed in the West as a comic and eccentric figure. Unbelievably, inexplicably, there was and has never been an attempt by the International Criminal Court to bring Amin to justice. The OAU behaved like a sweet mama pacifying its aberrant child. When his rule came to an abrupt end he was allowed a brief stay in Libya, he was allowed to live out his days as a guest with several wives and at least 30 children in all -expenses -paid luxury in Saudi Arabia. At any time up until his death in 2003, any nation, including Saudi Arabia could have prosecuted Amin and held him accountable under international law, but, no one was willing to hold the dictator accountable. Maybe this adage explains it much better, "If you kill one person, you go to jail, if you kill twenty, you go to an institution for the insane, if you kill twenty thousand you get political asylum. Such is the nature of African politics. There are several others who have killed but the got away with it. Thousands died in Rwanda during 1994 genocide, thousands died during the Gukurahundi epoch in the Zimbabwe, thousands have died in post election violence in a considerable number of African countries. My premise is, are those responsible so invincible to such an next that even the regional and international justice system can not hold them accountable? It is as clear as a pikestaff that such people have created a bad precedent which is being followed by today's leaders. A new crop of dictators has been bred in Africa, and lawlessness is being tolerated by the African Union and other regional blocs. Yoweri Museveni is tormenting opposition members in his country, human rights and political activists are disappearing without trace in Zimbabwe, Omar al-Bashir was allowed to attend a summit in South Africa and was assisted to leave the country by the South African government despite the fact that he was on the run for gross human rights violations in his country, the South African government's police massacred striking miners at Marikana Mine with impunity. The list is endless. What then should be done?
Like Joseph Stalin , he cynically and callously eliminated all real and imagined opponents – including the former chief justice , the Anglican archbishop , the governor of the Central Bank , the vice chancellor of Makerere University and other prominent members of Uganda's intelligentsia, as well several of his own cabinet ministers.
Like Adolf Hitler, he engaged in widespread ethnic cleansing – systematically murdering rival tribes and ordering the expulsion of some 80, 000 Ugandan Asians . Add to that gruesome mix an army of 15, 000 henchmen trained and ordered to rape and pillage in the name of “ peace keeping”, a policy of live televised executions to instill fear into the populace , a sledge hammer to the head for political prisoners and even the alleged murder of his ex - wife . So sadistic was Amin that for years he kept a photographic collection of his mutilated victims, and was said to preserve the lifeless heads of some of his most powerful adversaries in the refrigerator at the presidential palace. So staggering was Amin's death toll that bodies were dumped en masse into the crocodile - infested Nile because graves couldn't be dug fast enough. As the self - proclaimed “ President of Uganda for Life”, “Lord of All Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea and Conqueror of the British Empire in Africa in General and Uganda in Particular” and, famously , “ King of Scotland”, Idi Amin was initially embraced by Britain , America and Israel. But even when his atrocities against humanity could no longer be ignored , the international community failed to intervene. Instead, during his time in power , Amin was light - heartedly portrayed in the West as a comic and eccentric figure. Unbelievably, inexplicably, there was and has never been an attempt by the International Criminal Court to bring Amin to justice. The OAU behaved like a sweet mama pacifying its aberrant child. When his rule came to an abrupt end he was allowed a brief stay in Libya, he was allowed to live out his days as a guest with several wives and at least 30 children in all -expenses -paid luxury in Saudi Arabia. At any time up until his death in 2003, any nation, including Saudi Arabia could have prosecuted Amin and held him accountable under international law, but, no one was willing to hold the dictator accountable. Maybe this adage explains it much better, "If you kill one person, you go to jail, if you kill twenty, you go to an institution for the insane, if you kill twenty thousand you get political asylum. Such is the nature of African politics. There are several others who have killed but the got away with it. Thousands died in Rwanda during 1994 genocide, thousands died during the Gukurahundi epoch in the Zimbabwe, thousands have died in post election violence in a considerable number of African countries. My premise is, are those responsible so invincible to such an next that even the regional and international justice system can not hold them accountable? It is as clear as a pikestaff that such people have created a bad precedent which is being followed by today's leaders. A new crop of dictators has been bred in Africa, and lawlessness is being tolerated by the African Union and other regional blocs. Yoweri Museveni is tormenting opposition members in his country, human rights and political activists are disappearing without trace in Zimbabwe, Omar al-Bashir was allowed to attend a summit in South Africa and was assisted to leave the country by the South African government despite the fact that he was on the run for gross human rights violations in his country, the South African government's police massacred striking miners at Marikana Mine with impunity. The list is endless. What then should be done?
I have learnt that politics is and will always be a dirty game. My
premise have been reinforced by the recent political developments in my
country. The typical "struggle within a struggle" the split of the
MDCT which marked the emergence of yet another MDC, the Renewal Team.
The succession politics in the ruling party which have seen many being
booted out of the party for supporting the the Vice President. I however
admire Mrs. Joyce Mujuru for exuding her strong and courageous character under very stressful circumstances.
Yes! Politics will always be a dirty game but hopefully there will always be leaders with the guts, strength and determination to rise above dirt for the good of the nation.
The Zimbabwean situation has taught me that politics is a game with no fixed rules, some choose to play the same game using lies and deception for their own personal gain, seeking to win at ball costs. I have also learnt that the game itself promotes and encourages those that are predisposed to corrupt practices to play to win at all costs because the stakes are high as are the rewards for winning and the options for the winner.
Politicians enter the game with best intentions to make a difference but because there are no rules, personal attributes such as honesty, integrity and decency can easily become casualties for the greater good as personal morals become politically expedient for the sake of the old adage, "the end justified the means". It is the game of politics that not only allows the amoral attitudes but also promotes them. I contend that politics is a dirty game because it allows that anything goes as long as you get away with it by hook or crook.
Yes! Politics will always be a dirty game but hopefully there will always be leaders with the guts, strength and determination to rise above dirt for the good of the nation.
The Zimbabwean situation has taught me that politics is a game with no fixed rules, some choose to play the same game using lies and deception for their own personal gain, seeking to win at ball costs. I have also learnt that the game itself promotes and encourages those that are predisposed to corrupt practices to play to win at all costs because the stakes are high as are the rewards for winning and the options for the winner.
Politicians enter the game with best intentions to make a difference but because there are no rules, personal attributes such as honesty, integrity and decency can easily become casualties for the greater good as personal morals become politically expedient for the sake of the old adage, "the end justified the means". It is the game of politics that not only allows the amoral attitudes but also promotes them. I contend that politics is a dirty game because it allows that anything goes as long as you get away with it by hook or crook.
I know of young people in my constituency and beyond who have tainted
their vibrant careers with politics of patronage. Spending most of
their time being hired to settle political scores that they have little
knowledge about, just for a few bottles of opaque beer and a plate of
isitshwala lamangqina. Shame!
On the same note, politicians especially those from Matebeleland have developed into hyperbolic praise singers, hero worshippers and seasoned bootlickers. Even some sections of the media have followed suit with their flattery and well choreographed utterances praising the leaders of the land. It is as clear as a pikestaff that this has become a survival strategy for many. They are singing for their supper while people they claim to represent are slumbering in a vacuum of poverty. They are concerned about furthering their nests and creating wealth even for their unborn children. Yes they see politics as their means for survival and it had become evident that they gained their enormous wealth through patronage. A cursory perusal on the list of politicians from the southern part of the country indicates that Obert Mpofu perhaps one of the richest people in Zimbabwe, Simon Khaya Moyo, who holds a very influential position in the ruling party, Jonathan MOYO, Sithembiso Nyoni, Kembo Mohadi, Absalom Sikhosana, Jabulani Sibanda, Angeline Masuku, et al have been part and parcel of a system of patronage where they have been rewarded handsomely for their deft services to such an extent that it has become unattractive for them to fight against the plight of their people.
I have had the privilege of attending political rallies, focus group discussions, press conferences, and other social and political gatherings where I learnt of the services that are offered some of our politicians varying from bootlicking, sycophantic praise singing and showering of often undeserved accolades to incompetent government officials. It is a sad reality that Zimbabwe has blindly fallen victim to hyperbolic praises and sychophathic flattery. Our problem as a region[Matabeleland] in particular and as a country in general can be summed up as leadership deficit. Zimbabwe has fallen victim to hero worshiping. Our leaders are driven by power politics and the exude a self goddess attitude. It boggles the mind how a young and enterprising politician can turn into a hyperbolic praise singer describing Tsvangirai Morgan Richard as a replica of a biblical Moses sent by God to liberate the people of Zimbabwe from political bondage. That is blasphemy. God forbid! I feel sorry for the young MP.
I also have realised that there is nothing tangible that policians from Matabeleland have done for the region even those from the opposition who served in the inclusive government except describing Morgan as a hero and a God given leader and pumping their leader with praises. Talk of Thabitha Khumalo, Thokozani Khuphe, Dorcas SIBANDA, Lovemore MOYO, Thamsanqa MAHLANGU, Joel Gebuza, Felix Mafa, et al.
Let me borrow the words of Christopher Dell;
"You can not have a serious leader surrounding himself with sycophants, bootlickers and pimps. Such leaders are bound to fail, and fall."
On the same note, politicians especially those from Matebeleland have developed into hyperbolic praise singers, hero worshippers and seasoned bootlickers. Even some sections of the media have followed suit with their flattery and well choreographed utterances praising the leaders of the land. It is as clear as a pikestaff that this has become a survival strategy for many. They are singing for their supper while people they claim to represent are slumbering in a vacuum of poverty. They are concerned about furthering their nests and creating wealth even for their unborn children. Yes they see politics as their means for survival and it had become evident that they gained their enormous wealth through patronage. A cursory perusal on the list of politicians from the southern part of the country indicates that Obert Mpofu perhaps one of the richest people in Zimbabwe, Simon Khaya Moyo, who holds a very influential position in the ruling party, Jonathan MOYO, Sithembiso Nyoni, Kembo Mohadi, Absalom Sikhosana, Jabulani Sibanda, Angeline Masuku, et al have been part and parcel of a system of patronage where they have been rewarded handsomely for their deft services to such an extent that it has become unattractive for them to fight against the plight of their people.
I have had the privilege of attending political rallies, focus group discussions, press conferences, and other social and political gatherings where I learnt of the services that are offered some of our politicians varying from bootlicking, sycophantic praise singing and showering of often undeserved accolades to incompetent government officials. It is a sad reality that Zimbabwe has blindly fallen victim to hyperbolic praises and sychophathic flattery. Our problem as a region[Matabeleland] in particular and as a country in general can be summed up as leadership deficit. Zimbabwe has fallen victim to hero worshiping. Our leaders are driven by power politics and the exude a self goddess attitude. It boggles the mind how a young and enterprising politician can turn into a hyperbolic praise singer describing Tsvangirai Morgan Richard as a replica of a biblical Moses sent by God to liberate the people of Zimbabwe from political bondage. That is blasphemy. God forbid! I feel sorry for the young MP.
I also have realised that there is nothing tangible that policians from Matabeleland have done for the region even those from the opposition who served in the inclusive government except describing Morgan as a hero and a God given leader and pumping their leader with praises. Talk of Thabitha Khumalo, Thokozani Khuphe, Dorcas SIBANDA, Lovemore MOYO, Thamsanqa MAHLANGU, Joel Gebuza, Felix Mafa, et al.
Let me borrow the words of Christopher Dell;
"You can not have a serious leader surrounding himself with sycophants, bootlickers and pimps. Such leaders are bound to fail, and fall."
Today we observe World Aids Day under the theme; Focus, Partner, Achieve: An AIDS Free Generation.
Yours truly has noted that in as much as one might want to portray the AIDS epidemic as a global issue it is undoubtedly, in many ways an African story. The speed at which the diseases spreads indicates that Africa in in a serious predicament. I have noted that the story of how Africa's AIDS crisis came to be is not only controversial but contentious an issue. Researchers have theorised one potential cause after another, with some suggesting that its is a question of culture, physiology, food practices, poor governance and so on. Some even suggested that AIDS was created in a laboratory in the United States of America specifically to deal with homosexuals and Africans. None of the theories seem convincing though. Is it that Africa is cursed? Is it about Africa's cultural particulars in relation to marriage and sex? I shudder to imagine.
Yours truly has noted that in as much as one might want to portray the AIDS epidemic as a global issue it is undoubtedly, in many ways an African story. The speed at which the diseases spreads indicates that Africa in in a serious predicament. I have noted that the story of how Africa's AIDS crisis came to be is not only controversial but contentious an issue. Researchers have theorised one potential cause after another, with some suggesting that its is a question of culture, physiology, food practices, poor governance and so on. Some even suggested that AIDS was created in a laboratory in the United States of America specifically to deal with homosexuals and Africans. None of the theories seem convincing though. Is it that Africa is cursed? Is it about Africa's cultural particulars in relation to marriage and sex? I shudder to imagine.
It is sad to note that in Sub Saharan Africa life expectancy is
decreasing rapidly while mortality rate is increasing. There is no
political will to deal with the epidemic.
What then shall we do?
I honestly think the onus is on the government to Chanel a considerable amount of resources and engaging all stakeholders ie the international community toward eradicating the disease.
There is a need to take courageous steps to deal with religious and cultural norms and taboos head on using mass media to raise awareness effectively.
While present strategies such as condom use should be promoted I strongly feel that there best method is availing anti retroviral drugs. Why? Use of condoms which is inexpensive is a void method when couples want to conceive or have already engaged with infected persons.
What then shall we do?
I honestly think the onus is on the government to Chanel a considerable amount of resources and engaging all stakeholders ie the international community toward eradicating the disease.
There is a need to take courageous steps to deal with religious and cultural norms and taboos head on using mass media to raise awareness effectively.
While present strategies such as condom use should be promoted I strongly feel that there best method is availing anti retroviral drugs. Why? Use of condoms which is inexpensive is a void method when couples want to conceive or have already engaged with infected persons.
You are one year old today my lovely princess. It is my prayer that you always remember that that everyone is in your life for a reason. Appreciate those who grow with you as well as those who choose not to keep up. Always bear in mind that you are loved my darling. We look at you in awe, we hold you in our arms beaming with love as we marvel at the wonder that you are.
I pray that you will grow into a girl who likes and values her self, that you value the thoughts and opinions your parents and relatives, that you know your mind and trust yourself sufficiently that you feel able to take an unpopular stand. I also pray that you will always be sure enough of your own value that you wont rely exclusively on the approval of others.
You are one year old today my lovely princess. It is my prayer that you always remember that that everyone is in your life for a reason. Appreciate those who grow with you as well as those who choose not to keep up. Always bear in mind that you are loved my darling. We look at you in awe, we hold you in our arms beaming with love as we marvel at the wonder that you are.
I pray that you will grow into a girl who likes and values her self, that you value the thoughts and opinions your parents and relatives, that you know your mind and trust yourself sufficiently that you feel able to take an unpopular stand. I also pray that you will always be sure enough of your own value that you wont rely exclusively on the approval of others.
I pray that you
never lose your respect, curiosity and interest in the world around you
and that you always view the world as rich and fascinating and you keep
an open and questioning mind, that you never cease to read, learn and
ask questions and that you never allow yourself to be satisfied with
easy answers. I hope you will always weigh what you take in against what
you know already and what you will need to find out.
I pray that whatever form of adversity you confront, you will have the inner strength to face it.
Happy birthday Zinzile Nicole MPOFU
Love always;
I pray that whatever form of adversity you confront, you will have the inner strength to face it.
Happy birthday Zinzile Nicole MPOFU
Love always;
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
This is a follow up article on my recent submission on the gospel of prosperity.
Yes! I have seen it all. Talk of passionate praise and worship teams, tearful prayers and the intense hunger for the word of God. The unsuspecting brethren are blinkered by the false hope preached by today's preachers, evangelists, pastors and prophets. Yes! Christian faith is at the mercy of a formidable force, its not persecution of Christians by infiltration by dangerous money spinning business opportunists who masquerades as prophets. Honestly the integrity of the christian faith is at stake. It's unfortunate that the truth is not what the people want to hear, they want to be fed with lies and candy doctrines. God forbid! I would like to submit that the gospel of financial prosperity and material possessions is a horrible distortion from the gospel of salvation which our divine savior Jesus Christ crafted. Prosperity teachings are just some new age philosophies with a few scriptures thrown thrown in to Christianize them. I would like to make it clear here now that the prosperity gospel is fake. If it was true then there would be no poor Christians today. The prophets are possessed by three big demons, Pride, List and Greed. They are the devil incarnate. Biblical prosperity is not material and financial possessions but having your needs met. Let me substantiate my submission with scriptural evidence;
①Matthew 6:19-21 "Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal".
② Luke 12:15 "And he said unto them, Take heed, and beware of covetousness: for a man's life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he possesseth."
③ "Matthew 16:26 "For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"
④1 Timothy 6:10 "For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows."
⑤1 Timothy 6:9 "But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and [into] many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition."
⑥Matthew 6:24 "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."
⑦1 John 3:17 "But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels [of compassion] from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him?"
⑧Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."
⑨Acts 4:32-35 "And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any [of them] that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common."
⑩1 John 2:16 "For all that [is] in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world."
Psalms 37:7-9 "Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for him: fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass."
2 Corinthians 9:7 "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, [so let him give]; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver."
ICC vs Omar al Bashir Case
South Africa made a reasonable decision by allowing Omar al Bashir to leave the country in contradiction with the ICC's order to have him arrested. Perhaps the South African government could not brush off the possibility of a diplomatic dilemma with other African countries. They couldn't subject themselves to the wrath of heads of African nations and risk being labelled a puppet of the west and ICC. My understanding is that Omar al Bashir committed his crimes in Sudan rendering it impractical for him to be arrested in South Africa. Besides the arrest was going to jeopardize the peace keeping activities in Sudan where South Africa is playing a key role. I would like to submit that the ICC's justice system is selective. There are so many African leaders who have committed crimes against humanity but they were not brought to book. 20 000+ people were massacred in Matabeleland and Midlands in Zimbabwe but nothing was done, Idi Amin never paid for his crimes, the list is endless. The truth is that the ICC has lost its relevance and has in some way become a western tool to fix hostile regimes whilst on the other hand the same court can not arrest them.
I was delivering a lecture on marriage and family to one of my
sociology classes this afternoon when a beautiful, sophisticated but
scornful lady at the back of the room challenged me.She argued that my
opinion that marriage was the greatest career for a woman was wrong. She
further argued that marriage is almost finished and that it was not
desirable or even necessary for one to link themselves with one person
and limit themselves to that person for the rest of their life. Her
words are still vivid in my mind."Sir, I'm sleeping with a fellow that i
like, i don't want to marry him and i don't think he intends to marry
me. This is not my first love affair and probably won't be my last. i
cant see anything wrong with this. Someday when and if i choose to have a
child i may be forced by the society to marry, but until that time i
shall not be part of it. if i ever do choose to and the relationship
goes bad i shall not be trapped in it." she even substantiated her
assertion with a question,"why cant a man-woman relationship be just as
meaningful outside of marriage as it is in it?" I paused for a moment
before responding. In my submission i clearly highlighted that if it
doesn't have the commitment then it surely doesn't have the permanence. i
further argued that, it takes brains and determination, time and effort
to make marriage good and the rewards are just enormous. I then defined
marriage as the total commitment of the total person for a total way of
life, a relation between a man and a woman in which the independence is
equal, dependence is mutual and the obligation is reciprocal. Yes! I
have to admit that the discussion was a thriller and i really enjoyed.
I'm only another young man from a country where there is no room for
dissent, opposition and freedom of expression. A county where the gap
between the rich and the poor is wide as the rift valley. A country
where no politician is correct in all they say and affirm politically. A
society afraid of its own shadow. A country where violence and impunity
have become normalized and and an important part of the leaders DNAs as
a result of cynicism. A county where the "accept and move on" mantra
has become the rallying cry of political leaders. A country where no
politician is truthful and correct in all they affirm politically.
Dear God
Jehovah El-Shaddai, Almighty God [Genesis 17:1, Psalms 91:1]. As a truly obedient son i resign myself to your holy will.
You sent your son Jesus Christ who loved me to such a degree as to suffer and die for my salvation. It was for my salvation that He willed to be born in a stable, endured poverty, suffering and sorrow throughout his life and finally experienced the bitter death of the cross.
God, i believe that nothing great is done without suffering, without humiliation and that all things are possible by means of it. My Lord, i also understand that poverty is better than riches, pain better than pleasure, obscurity and contempt than name and ignominy and reproach than honour.
Lord, i beseech you for strength and wisdom in this life full of failure, prejudice, contradictions, coldness and imapatience, contempt, mental darkness, the silence and dryness of hearts.
Oh God, you know the emptiness of my heart. When loneliness looms around me, when my questions are unanswered, when no one seems to care, when i fall deeper into despair, I pray that you let your peace fall upon me, remind me of your unconditional and eternal love for me and assure me of your presece.
Thank you for the great encouragement, comfort and consolation that comes from your Holy Book. You shall always be my "refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble". I understand that finite strength is independable and expendable but your finite power is sufficient for my every need.
My God, help me to understand myself and help others to understand me. Im my agony of fear or anger, sadness or loss of self esteem may i find grace to trust you.
Gracious God, i ask for your blessings on my friends who have given their own hearts and souls to deepen and strengthen my own. I pray for those who have walked alongside me when i have not been a faithful friend. When i feel alone, Oh Lord, remind me that my friends are one of your greatest gifts of grace to me.
I submit all my concerns to you, completely trusting in your abundant generosity.
In Jesus Christ's name I pray. Amen.
Jehovah El-Shaddai, Almighty God [Genesis 17:1, Psalms 91:1]. As a truly obedient son i resign myself to your holy will.
You sent your son Jesus Christ who loved me to such a degree as to suffer and die for my salvation. It was for my salvation that He willed to be born in a stable, endured poverty, suffering and sorrow throughout his life and finally experienced the bitter death of the cross.
God, i believe that nothing great is done without suffering, without humiliation and that all things are possible by means of it. My Lord, i also understand that poverty is better than riches, pain better than pleasure, obscurity and contempt than name and ignominy and reproach than honour.
Lord, i beseech you for strength and wisdom in this life full of failure, prejudice, contradictions, coldness and imapatience, contempt, mental darkness, the silence and dryness of hearts.
Oh God, you know the emptiness of my heart. When loneliness looms around me, when my questions are unanswered, when no one seems to care, when i fall deeper into despair, I pray that you let your peace fall upon me, remind me of your unconditional and eternal love for me and assure me of your presece.
Thank you for the great encouragement, comfort and consolation that comes from your Holy Book. You shall always be my "refuge and strength, a very present help in time of trouble". I understand that finite strength is independable and expendable but your finite power is sufficient for my every need.
My God, help me to understand myself and help others to understand me. Im my agony of fear or anger, sadness or loss of self esteem may i find grace to trust you.
Gracious God, i ask for your blessings on my friends who have given their own hearts and souls to deepen and strengthen my own. I pray for those who have walked alongside me when i have not been a faithful friend. When i feel alone, Oh Lord, remind me that my friends are one of your greatest gifts of grace to me.
I submit all my concerns to you, completely trusting in your abundant generosity.
In Jesus Christ's name I pray. Amen.
As i write this prayer i am reminded of the awesome honour of being a
father. God granted me the previlege of raising Zinzile Nicole Mpofu, i
understand that with the previlege comes great responsibility and
Dear God
God i present my darling girl before your throne. Heart still so pure. Lord keep her innocence firmly intact.
Lord the world is a dangerous place in so many ways, I pray for physical, mental and spriritual protection.
Protect her from others and wrong choices and call her to higher standards.
I ask for wisdom and discernment in teaching and preparing her for a life of purity and modesty.
I surrender my desire to control her, I surrender my desire to manipulate her future, I am totally open, dependent and desperate for you to be in control as i let go.
* Let her learn early in life that to obey you, God, is the best way to the life her heart truly desires. [1 Samuel 15:22]
* May she find comfort in your ability, God, to reach her, hold her and rescue her. [2 Samuel 22:17-18]
* Let her find confidence in you, God, even when hard times come and she doesnt know what to do, by keeping her eyes faced on you. [2 Chronicles 20:12]
* May she keep herself under control and not give full vent to people and situations that anger her. [Proverbs 29:11]
* Let her walk in the security of your assigned worth to her. Give her a strong work ethic and health to accomplish all tasks. Give her a heart that desires to extend her hand to those in need. Protect her for the right husband, a man of respect and Godly, honouring. Let her be a woman of joy and laughter, whose Christ centered character is what makes her most beautiful.
I pray that she may rise up over all pressures of life, walk in your unique calling to make history and challenge convention and expectation.
I also pray that she knows the fullness of your grace and the freedom of your forgiveness and that your mercies are new every morning.
I wait in expectation for your providence.
In Jesus Christ's name i pray. Amen.
Dear God
God i present my darling girl before your throne. Heart still so pure. Lord keep her innocence firmly intact.
Lord the world is a dangerous place in so many ways, I pray for physical, mental and spriritual protection.
Protect her from others and wrong choices and call her to higher standards.
I ask for wisdom and discernment in teaching and preparing her for a life of purity and modesty.
I surrender my desire to control her, I surrender my desire to manipulate her future, I am totally open, dependent and desperate for you to be in control as i let go.
* Let her learn early in life that to obey you, God, is the best way to the life her heart truly desires. [1 Samuel 15:22]
* May she find comfort in your ability, God, to reach her, hold her and rescue her. [2 Samuel 22:17-18]
* Let her find confidence in you, God, even when hard times come and she doesnt know what to do, by keeping her eyes faced on you. [2 Chronicles 20:12]
* May she keep herself under control and not give full vent to people and situations that anger her. [Proverbs 29:11]
* Let her walk in the security of your assigned worth to her. Give her a strong work ethic and health to accomplish all tasks. Give her a heart that desires to extend her hand to those in need. Protect her for the right husband, a man of respect and Godly, honouring. Let her be a woman of joy and laughter, whose Christ centered character is what makes her most beautiful.
I pray that she may rise up over all pressures of life, walk in your unique calling to make history and challenge convention and expectation.
I also pray that she knows the fullness of your grace and the freedom of your forgiveness and that your mercies are new every morning.
I wait in expectation for your providence.
In Jesus Christ's name i pray. Amen.
have learnt that pastors/prophets of today especially those who lead
pentecostal churches are more concerned about the prosperity gospel. Not
much is said about salvation as their gospel emphasize on acquisition
of material possessions, in essence they preach destruction right from
the pulpit of salvation, and they have developed into swindlers without
remorse. Surely the integrity of the Christian faith is under siege.
It is a sad reality that this deadly spiritual virus is spreading throughout Africa as these preachers prey on a poverty audience who are eager to pull themselves out of their quagmire of economic comatose. It is of paramount importance to note that some evangelists, pastors and prophets now use the church as a money spinning business venture, a rare opportunity to bequeath wealth even for their unborn children. Some even go to the extent of pouring libations on the ground as a way of enhancing church growth. In some churches so called "anointing oil", sand, water other such substances are given to believers as tools for bringing the much sought after financial or material possessions. It is on record that some of this oil is being sold as church merchandise, alongside hand bangles, handkerchiefs, T-shirt and sweaters.
The preachers emphasizes on the need to continue giving in order to get the promised windfall. Some of the occult practices include indecent conduct with female followers, including hand penetration into private parts, fondling of breasts, or any such indecent behaviour.
ala considerable number of pastors are languishing in prison for cases ranging from rape to sexual harassment et al. A classic example of such is Pastor Gumbura of the End Time Message Church who was convicted of raping several women in his church.
Today’s prosperity gospel fuels greed, and it focuses on getting as opposed to giving. It is a selfish materialistic faith with a thin veneer of Christianity. The central theme of prosperity gospel is to continually urge members to sow financial seeds so they can reap ernomous rewards.
Entire conferences are sometimes dedicated to nothing else but collecting offerings, and believers are almost instructed that this is God’s way towards achieving wealth. This is often punctuated by impressive testimonies from selected or volunteering church members, almost always bragging about how much they paid for their suits, shoes, jewelry, or how they travelled first class because of “God’s blessing.” It is an elaborate scam meant to railroad unsuspecting followers into parting with the little hard-earned cash at their disposal.
Some of the young so-called prophets of today are pathetically proud, and they have the temerity to defend the disgrace of pride by misquoting the Bible. We have a warped church leadership today, thanks to the scandalous commercialization of the Christian faith. We now have pastors who plant churches not because they have a burden to achieve or realize the salvation of souls, but because they see dollar signs in any auditorium full of people.
Brethren, this is a deadly and Satan induced cancer which is slowly but surely eroding the Christian faith. I have questions for such evangelists, pastors and prophets; where in the bible is it written that His wants us to be rich and to have excess in our lives and that one's physical possessions indicate one's spiritual worth? Honestly do we need the gospel of prosperity in the last days? My final submission is that all we need is a life giving message of salvation and repentance from sin.
#God forbid!
It is a sad reality that this deadly spiritual virus is spreading throughout Africa as these preachers prey on a poverty audience who are eager to pull themselves out of their quagmire of economic comatose. It is of paramount importance to note that some evangelists, pastors and prophets now use the church as a money spinning business venture, a rare opportunity to bequeath wealth even for their unborn children. Some even go to the extent of pouring libations on the ground as a way of enhancing church growth. In some churches so called "anointing oil", sand, water other such substances are given to believers as tools for bringing the much sought after financial or material possessions. It is on record that some of this oil is being sold as church merchandise, alongside hand bangles, handkerchiefs, T-shirt and sweaters.
The preachers emphasizes on the need to continue giving in order to get the promised windfall. Some of the occult practices include indecent conduct with female followers, including hand penetration into private parts, fondling of breasts, or any such indecent behaviour.
ala considerable number of pastors are languishing in prison for cases ranging from rape to sexual harassment et al. A classic example of such is Pastor Gumbura of the End Time Message Church who was convicted of raping several women in his church.
Today’s prosperity gospel fuels greed, and it focuses on getting as opposed to giving. It is a selfish materialistic faith with a thin veneer of Christianity. The central theme of prosperity gospel is to continually urge members to sow financial seeds so they can reap ernomous rewards.
Entire conferences are sometimes dedicated to nothing else but collecting offerings, and believers are almost instructed that this is God’s way towards achieving wealth. This is often punctuated by impressive testimonies from selected or volunteering church members, almost always bragging about how much they paid for their suits, shoes, jewelry, or how they travelled first class because of “God’s blessing.” It is an elaborate scam meant to railroad unsuspecting followers into parting with the little hard-earned cash at their disposal.
Some of the young so-called prophets of today are pathetically proud, and they have the temerity to defend the disgrace of pride by misquoting the Bible. We have a warped church leadership today, thanks to the scandalous commercialization of the Christian faith. We now have pastors who plant churches not because they have a burden to achieve or realize the salvation of souls, but because they see dollar signs in any auditorium full of people.
Brethren, this is a deadly and Satan induced cancer which is slowly but surely eroding the Christian faith. I have questions for such evangelists, pastors and prophets; where in the bible is it written that His wants us to be rich and to have excess in our lives and that one's physical possessions indicate one's spiritual worth? Honestly do we need the gospel of prosperity in the last days? My final submission is that all we need is a life giving message of salvation and repentance from sin.
#God forbid!
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Glancing back at 2012 i see a canon roll onto the dust. 2012 left a credence of history for me, it will dwell in the attics of my brains as does the spiraling chains of knowledge hidden in every cell of my body… the year was a long stride, at times dreary, at times incredible, a blend of triumphant and failed combats. But I was been driven by resilience and assurance that God will always see me through intricate times. 2012 was a year when I learnt to comprehend how it feels to be hurt – to feel hurt in its most violent wrenching forms… all I can say is that I met with adversity’s blast and got bowed to the ground by its fury… the 12 months were as hush as prejudiced jury. 2012 taught me a lesson that in life one makes mistakes, falls down but it’s the getting up that counts. Just like in base ball, you will get a few hits, but most likely you will strike out more than you will get on base. The solution lies in refusing to quit, in finding focus, in relaxing, taking a deep breath and giving it a good swing. In such times my spur came from Philippians 4 verse 13, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me…” My assurance is that a new-year is unfolding, like a blossom, with petals curled tightly concealing the beauty within…
As my own inferno went out, it was rekindled by sparks from several people and this prompted a deep setting cause to think with deep gratitude of those who set ablaze the inferno in me… I might not be able to mention all of you by name, but all I can say is that I am thankful to all of you.
My heartfelt appreciation goes to my family, an eccentric looking band of characters trudging through life, at times inflicting pain and the solution to soothing it in the instant, loving, laughing, defending and trying to figure out the common trend that bound us all together. It is a pleasure to thank my all time friend, Hloniphani Sibanda for holding my hand through the things tht made me nevous.
I owe my deepest gratitude to my love Angela Nyathi for turning the most unlikely dream into reality... even at a time when the whole world seemed busy with their own lives, having left me in a lonely trance, I was assured reassured and confident of her undying concern for me. I am also grateful to my friends Suku Ndlovu, Ndabezinhle Tidings "Ezase Afro" Ntonga, Lwazi "Tshisaboy" Hlalani Moyo, Xolani "Sthapura" Moyo, Goodson "The Engineer" Chitsa,Lindelwe Ntonga and Trishula Daniel, Danell Khan, SaNandi Mlotshwa, Ricky Marodza and Morningstar Ncube without whose enthusiasism life would hv been an uphill task for me.
My earnest appreciation also goes to Macebo Sibanda, Meckyline Mellisa Phiri, Matroe, Dumoluhle Mayisa, Luhanga "The unpredictable", Bright Sagonda "The Pundit" , Nothando Sibanda, Vivien Makeleni, Faith Gototsi, beatrice Purity Mguni,Sheron Dewa, Njabulo Moyo for the unfailing help and courtesy I received during the year. I am also obliged to all my friends on Face-book for making 2012 worth evoke, you deserve a prolonged applause!!!
Parting short; A fulsome new-year, a fond farewell to the old… to the things that are yet to come and to the reminiscence that you hold…
HAVE AN IMPRESSIVE 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Dedicated to Angela Nyathi for holding my hand and turning the most unlikely dream into reality]
In my life I have written articles calmly, unheralded and often in the middle of the night in elation, spasm, bliss or in a state of drunkenness. If honesty has to prevail then I have to admit and rightly so that as I am writing this one my heart is inundated with joy and therefore finding it difficult to put my feelings into words.
Amidst my state of bliss, I see a lovely lady tossing her hair as she steps into my vacant heart. With great esteem and love I welcome her. Numb I am for a while but gather the valor to ricochet a few sentiments, all I can say is,” Hail gorgeous”, with a certainty of love in the hand. As she saunters down the streets of Zimbabwe’s second largest city, all can’t help but marvel at such an angel, I can’t help either. All I can do is wearing a smile but my smile conceals some hidden tears, they are not tears of sorrow but tears of joy. A renowned writer once said,’ sometimes you don’t know what you want until it hits you.’
She is sumptuous with her love and has the aptitude to cosset my every whim. All that is needed is some pulsating time to connect, for they say affections are intense and emotions get cavernous as people connect. She has an affable and lovely interlude which cheers me up immensely. Her face is perfect, the nose at the right place, the precise size and beneath it well place is a pair of lips, soft even by the look. Her ears decorate her rounded head with her hair quixotically curled…. Her eyes glitter and are punctuated by neat eyebrows. Her skin is smooth; her smile exposes her snow white teeth …one look at her I get love-struck, cupid arrows shoot inside my love enslaved heart which bleeds desperately to hear her virtuous voice whisper into my ears.
Therefore to say she is beautiful would be an irony of the century. She is simply ravishing, immaculate, gorgeous, and exquisite, you name it. I can safely say love is mysterious and mesmerizing and when you find it with such an angel there is nothing better. The deep-seated question I am asking myself is; will my heart be able to contend this renewed up state of quixotic bliss. All I know is that God wouldn’t give me what I can not handle. How I wish he didn’t trust me that much…
[Compiled by; General S.R Mpofu – Freelance Journalist, Teacher, Human Rights Activist and Advocate for Political and Social Justice in Zimbabwe]
Saturday, June 16, 2012
Still births, witches and wizards
Unforgiven sins and disease
Infested bodies stray snakes and stolen court evidence
uncountable matchsticks and more than many barrels of flammable juices
Victims of political violence, thugs and victims of the AIDS epidemic
Voluntary life terminations, rotten corpses of soldiers who fought in borrowed wars
Blood stained garments from manufactured road accidents
And soul eating images of long gone lineage members
All in the funeral Palour
Once i saw a live human corpse and mourners screaming for their dear lives
The corpse was pinned down before being taken to the crematorium
Where his body was burnt to ashes reminiscent of the pastor's 'ashes to ashes'
My shoulders became heavy with life's meaningless meaning
Evil daughter beggot a bustard son
In no time the body was in the palour
As if the palour would prophesy about the whereabouts of the boy's father
Does a crippled boy understand the pleasures of a jumping castle?
Does a coffin purify or unlify life' violence?
The mystery of life and death lies between the two giants so says the undertaker
Afterwards he giggles blissfully like he has just discovered the great secret behind mortality
By General S.R Mpofu
(Freelance Journalist, Human Rights Activist and Advocate for Political and Social Justice in Zimbabwe)
Unforgiven sins and disease
Infested bodies stray snakes and stolen court evidence
uncountable matchsticks and more than many barrels of flammable juices
Victims of political violence, thugs and victims of the AIDS epidemic
Voluntary life terminations, rotten corpses of soldiers who fought in borrowed wars
Blood stained garments from manufactured road accidents
And soul eating images of long gone lineage members
All in the funeral Palour
Once i saw a live human corpse and mourners screaming for their dear lives
The corpse was pinned down before being taken to the crematorium
Where his body was burnt to ashes reminiscent of the pastor's 'ashes to ashes'
My shoulders became heavy with life's meaningless meaning
Evil daughter beggot a bustard son
In no time the body was in the palour
As if the palour would prophesy about the whereabouts of the boy's father
Does a crippled boy understand the pleasures of a jumping castle?
Does a coffin purify or unlify life' violence?
The mystery of life and death lies between the two giants so says the undertaker
Afterwards he giggles blissfully like he has just discovered the great secret behind mortality
By General S.R Mpofu
(Freelance Journalist, Human Rights Activist and Advocate for Political and Social Justice in Zimbabwe)
His eyes are wide shut
His sight has been robbed by pleasure
Pleasure that is not pleasurable at all
To the little she figure veneered by the monster's seasoned body
Its all pain in the gains
Her vagina is torn apart too
There are few droplets of blood on the crime scene
The sandy soils of West Park Cemetery have sucked much of the precious liquid...
Its 630pm and only me and those resting underneath the earth witness this hair raising one-sided jewel
In the end the Devil's son zipped up his pants and left
I gave thanks to the almighty and the thick savanna bush for not exposing me to the dragon
I crossed Mpilo road - the road that passes through the cemetery to embrace my derailed sister
Together we wept till the heavens withdrew their light
Too bad she was deflowered....
By General S.R Mpofu
(Freelance Journalist, Human Rights Activist and Advocate for Political and Social Justice in Zimbabwe)
His sight has been robbed by pleasure
Pleasure that is not pleasurable at all
To the little she figure veneered by the monster's seasoned body
Its all pain in the gains
Her vagina is torn apart too
There are few droplets of blood on the crime scene
The sandy soils of West Park Cemetery have sucked much of the precious liquid...
Its 630pm and only me and those resting underneath the earth witness this hair raising one-sided jewel
In the end the Devil's son zipped up his pants and left
I gave thanks to the almighty and the thick savanna bush for not exposing me to the dragon
I crossed Mpilo road - the road that passes through the cemetery to embrace my derailed sister
Together we wept till the heavens withdrew their light
Too bad she was deflowered....
By General S.R Mpofu
(Freelance Journalist, Human Rights Activist and Advocate for Political and Social Justice in Zimbabwe)
I have flipped through the rough pages of life for long,
Searching for the angel happiness
Its a wild goose chase whose small paths are rocky and infested with snakes
Salty waters and bumper harvests of sorrow
Questions of character and problems of priorities
All swim in the same sewage dams
Where only bewitched fish are caught
The mornings are horrible like maggots on a six day unclaimed corpse
Spout allover delivering sweet aromas of sadness
That signal Satan's successful days at work
Grounded grannies gaze and glide with gatholic giggles
But with no guts to gun down imaginary goblins gnawing their lives at the old people's home
Terrified teenagers take turns to take tranquilizers
To tone down tantalizing moments of torment
In their torrid, tedious and tempestuous lives
Elephant sized businessmen struggle to touch their toes
As their protruding bellies stage demonstrations against flexibility
Its a selfish world and only the selfish shall prosper....
By General S.R Mpofu
(Freelance Journalist, Human Rights Activist and Advocate for Political and Social Justice in Zimbabwe)
Searching for the angel happiness
Its a wild goose chase whose small paths are rocky and infested with snakes
Salty waters and bumper harvests of sorrow
Questions of character and problems of priorities
All swim in the same sewage dams
Where only bewitched fish are caught
The mornings are horrible like maggots on a six day unclaimed corpse
Spout allover delivering sweet aromas of sadness
That signal Satan's successful days at work
Grounded grannies gaze and glide with gatholic giggles
But with no guts to gun down imaginary goblins gnawing their lives at the old people's home
Terrified teenagers take turns to take tranquilizers
To tone down tantalizing moments of torment
In their torrid, tedious and tempestuous lives
Elephant sized businessmen struggle to touch their toes
As their protruding bellies stage demonstrations against flexibility
Its a selfish world and only the selfish shall prosper....
By General S.R Mpofu
(Freelance Journalist, Human Rights Activist and Advocate for Political and Social Justice in Zimbabwe)
I am finding it difficult to understand the central paradox to the
death of my grand father JLB Mhlanga who died at the hands of the dogs
of war. Why he died before witnessing the dawn of a new era in
Zimbabwean politics is a fundamental question which begs for an answer.
To understand that, one would need to look at how he lived, only then
one will discover a life that eerily echoed the fortunes of this
country. It is difficult to understand why this man who had so much to
live for had to die. My grandpa's death left a big hole not only in my
life but in the lives of the Bankwe people as well.
I was doing my Lowe Six when fateful phone call from a relative came, informing me that my grandpa had died at Mnene Hospital, in Belingwe. I couldn't believe the news and immediately proceeded to the bus-stop to look for transport to Matabo where my grandpa was going to be laid to rest. A lot of questions wrecked havoc in my mind and then i was too yound to question such things and i therefore left everything to the elders. It was beyond any reasonable doubt that politics had dealt a cruel and final blow to a man who had lived a life that made him a fundi in so many areas, and yet remained the epitomy of humility. It all began when my grandpa was seeking re-election as the Council Chairman of Mberengwa Rural District Council against Ben Mataga. Mataga couldnot stomach the idea of contesting against a well-known and competent Mhlanga and at one point swore that Mhlanga wouldn't see the next day if he challenged him in the election.
At the time of his death Mr. Mhlanga was already in a state of acute distress, walking with great difficulty and emotionally fragile. Death was starring at him in the face and everything he tried to fend it off had failed. What has struck me about my grandfather's death is the deafening silence about its cause. I know and rightly so that he was swept away by the murky waters of politics... I have no kind words for ZANU PF for taking away such an enterprising life.
Mr. Mhlanga's death triggered a host of worries and fears in me. I felt helpless and insecure. His death triggered the fear of me having to face life without him. He was my source of inspiration, my advisor and above all my mentor.
ZANU PF owes a debt to my grandpa that they cannot ever fully repay. I will always honour his sacrifice for the betterment of our lives as a family and for the betterment of Zimbabwe. All i have to do is to honor it in my own life by holding the memories close to my heart, and heeding the example he set.
Never does one feel oneself so utterly helpless as in trying to speak comfort for great bereavement.
I will not try it... Time is the only comforter for the loss of my grandpa. Rest in eternal Peace Mr. Mhlanga!!!
I was doing my Lowe Six when fateful phone call from a relative came, informing me that my grandpa had died at Mnene Hospital, in Belingwe. I couldn't believe the news and immediately proceeded to the bus-stop to look for transport to Matabo where my grandpa was going to be laid to rest. A lot of questions wrecked havoc in my mind and then i was too yound to question such things and i therefore left everything to the elders. It was beyond any reasonable doubt that politics had dealt a cruel and final blow to a man who had lived a life that made him a fundi in so many areas, and yet remained the epitomy of humility. It all began when my grandpa was seeking re-election as the Council Chairman of Mberengwa Rural District Council against Ben Mataga. Mataga couldnot stomach the idea of contesting against a well-known and competent Mhlanga and at one point swore that Mhlanga wouldn't see the next day if he challenged him in the election.
At the time of his death Mr. Mhlanga was already in a state of acute distress, walking with great difficulty and emotionally fragile. Death was starring at him in the face and everything he tried to fend it off had failed. What has struck me about my grandfather's death is the deafening silence about its cause. I know and rightly so that he was swept away by the murky waters of politics... I have no kind words for ZANU PF for taking away such an enterprising life.
Mr. Mhlanga's death triggered a host of worries and fears in me. I felt helpless and insecure. His death triggered the fear of me having to face life without him. He was my source of inspiration, my advisor and above all my mentor.
ZANU PF owes a debt to my grandpa that they cannot ever fully repay. I will always honour his sacrifice for the betterment of our lives as a family and for the betterment of Zimbabwe. All i have to do is to honor it in my own life by holding the memories close to my heart, and heeding the example he set.
Never does one feel oneself so utterly helpless as in trying to speak comfort for great bereavement.
I will not try it... Time is the only comforter for the loss of my grandpa. Rest in eternal Peace Mr. Mhlanga!!!
Im not vindictive or self righteous, bt i think pple have explained a lot about me and i cant help feeling some sympathy for myself... i have been listening sympathetically and quietly at the tirades against me but i have to call a halt. Yes, pple have upset me endlessly with thir accusations and counter accusations. I think one time over a story is sufficient. Some pple have taken my problems into their cupped hands and held them out to me. Pple u have had your say, let me have mine...
I have been so surprised by the unexpected ranting at me, i refuse to be a victim of emotion- i have chosen the sort of soliloquy maybe u will have the honour to listen... Iam not adamant to the pain and sorrow that the so called rumour have put me, my family and those associated with me, in. But i feel things have been blown out of proportion. I am 28 and i know what to do about myself and im sure i can handle whatever situation. I've the subtlest of all human skills - how to sort myself out of difficulty...
I have been able to listen respectfully to pple's relentless campaigns to vilify me, with esteem for my personality which is sorely wounded and rejected. I know tht with the same esteem im going to help restore my ego...
Friday, May 4, 2012
I hv elbowed my way to success in the teeth of a vicious self centered
family. The tonic tht braced me for a life tht i live today was my
embracing of Christianity. I do not view Christianity as an advantage bt
as a duty which i hv to perform on a daily basis. It is this conception
which mould me into a disciplined being.
Living a life based on Christian principles is not a condition in which i was born bt a streneous and exating enterprise which i chose by myself and which im going to persue with a sense of responsibilty... The past 28 years have been a long stride, at times dreary, at times incredible ...a blend of triumphant and failed combats...
During the course of the journey i learnt to comprehend how it feels to be hurt, to feel hurt in its most violent and wrenching forms...i met with adversity's blast and got bowed down by its fury...bt i refused to bulge...after a series of close calls with death i found my solace in Philippians 4:13, " I can do all things through Christ who strengtherns me." I hv found peace and hope ispite of life's missing pieces...as i celebrate my 28th birthday i see the unfolding of a new life, like a blossom with petals curled tightly concealing the beauty within...
Living a life based on Christian principles is not a condition in which i was born bt a streneous and exating enterprise which i chose by myself and which im going to persue with a sense of responsibilty... The past 28 years have been a long stride, at times dreary, at times incredible ...a blend of triumphant and failed combats...
During the course of the journey i learnt to comprehend how it feels to be hurt, to feel hurt in its most violent and wrenching forms...i met with adversity's blast and got bowed down by its fury...bt i refused to bulge...after a series of close calls with death i found my solace in Philippians 4:13, " I can do all things through Christ who strengtherns me." I hv found peace and hope ispite of life's missing pieces...as i celebrate my 28th birthday i see the unfolding of a new life, like a blossom with petals curled tightly concealing the beauty within...
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